Saturday, December 24, 2005

In perspective....

....I thought I was an embarrassment to myself when over-reacting at times to circumstances occurring around me...Take a look at this.....I feel this woman's experience tops the one of the girl having a conversation on her cell phone while robbing a bank.....or even this one perhaps...(shared by a friend who works in a prison for the 'criminally insane')....

In a similiar event, he described that in order to create a way to escape the prison cell, inmates often do bizarre things that will provide them a stay in the hospital. One female inmate decided to swallow a fountain pen...yep, she truly accomplished it, and her x-rays proved it. I recall asking why on earth she would do such a thing to herself...and my friend reminded me that she was (umm)...'crazy'?!

I don't know whether to laugh or have pity on these poor women....

(*Note to self* Always strive to keep your emotions in check to prevent having stories circulating the internet about your 'crazies'?! Ha!! I do a good enough job exposing those myself, hmm?!)


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