Friday, December 16, 2005

Another Day....

...and I'm not going to even mention 'prior post'...(Oops!! I just did!!) Forget it....I've said it, it's done, it's yesterday's news!! :))

What fascinates me today, ha, cheap thrills here, is my newly installed 'Site Meter'!! Now mind you, I'm not getting many hits, but I'm nevertheless fascinated with it!! How great is that little feature?!

Dubai?! Where the heck is that? Of course, I'm challenged to get out a map now, one with more detail than the one that comes with the 'Site', to find out where this place is on the globe!! I see that a West Virginia neighbor has peeked in, and a few folks from Canada, as well. 'Makes me wanna bring out the good tea set and give a welcome, southern style!! A 'howdy' or 'hi, ya'll' would be in order!! :))

I do feel honored that anyone stopped by, accidently or not....Comments are welcome, even if you want to advise me to 'get a life'..maybe you could give suggestions!! Haha!! Or you can just say that you think I suck! (Like I need anyone to tell me that....I'm my own worst enemy!!) I'd just be interested in knowing who YOU are?!?

Now there's an idea....(*Note to self*....go it....share some of those stories about your 'southern upbringing' and invite others to tell about their heritage...could be an online penpals?!)

I believe I've mentioned already that in the south, we loooove to embellish stories...maybe that was in 'MySpace' profile, oh well, somewhere I stated this fact. I have been advised to learn to 'edit'...ha! After a lengthy conversation with my mom on the phone last night, I understand why someone would say this.

From that call I know, in detail, that a woman lost $200.00 after making a bank deposit, and that she lost this withdrawal in the parking lot of a department store in the mall. Lucky for this lady, my mom found the money wrapped in her deposit slip, complete with her name and address, so the money was returned to the rightful owner, given that my mom is a very honest person. My mom was rewarded with $50.00. There was yet another story passed on to my mom from this woman (who also likely enjoys embellishing her own stories...), told to her by her son from a time he too, found and returned a larger sum of money and was not given a 'thank you' even after returning it to the rightful he vowed to always be more gracious in his life.

You see how it goes in the south?! And I've spared you the lengthy details!! When you strike up a conversation with someone from the south, beware!! It becomes just what you see long running 'dialogue' (pun intended)!!! Somewhere along the way, you forget what you were talking about to begin with, and you generally forget why you called in the first place. Ha...that can be remedied by a call back later to say you remembered why you called, and the process begins again.

Today I know more about this stranger hundreds of miles away, than I do about my next door neighbor. I know too, that, after much thought and deliberation, my parents have finally purchased burial plots. I know at whose feet my dad will be buried. I know why that particular uncle of mine, at whose feet my dad will be buried, was not buried with either of his wives. I now know where the wives of this uncle are buried, that he had a child who died at childbirth...and where this child is buried. The sharing of this particular topic went on and on, and had I not interrupted, I would likely know exactly where everyone in my hometown is buried. OMG....did I REALLY wanna know this?!

If you are asking yourself now if YOU really want to know this, I'm sure the answer would be the same as mine was in reference to my mom's conversation....believe it or not, those topics were just a couple of the many she covered in about an hour's time.....and I spared you the complete details.....

I will say, that even in remote small towns like my hometown in Mississippi, there are wonderful and colorful people to meet and know. I've privately journaled about some of the more prolific ones before. I love to collect and document stories of these interesting characters! Perhaps, over time, I will share some of them here with you all, my new intimate group of friends in 'blogspot'!! I'd love to hear your stories too, so feel free to leave them here or at least a link to how I can read yours.

Someday, I'll tell you about our 'claim to fame', though many would not be so proud, Civil War relative. In the south, you claim to be related to a Civil War character, even if you are not. In this case, we do bear the same last name, and there are not that many of us in the United States. So I will claim him just because....'He' would be General Nathan Bedford Forrest. But that will be another story on another day. I'll give it a rest today!!

(*Another NOTE to self*.....maybe instead of worrying so much about your grammar, you should just utilize that 'southern dialect' here and make it work in your storytelling?!? Ya think?!?! Perhaps so!! After all, Jerry Clower made a living doing that...which reminds me of another story...haha...I knew and went on double-dates with, Ray Clower, Jerry's son, when in college....ok it!!!)

Now, what was I saying when this blog began?! I'll get back to you when I remember!! Ha!!!


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