Monday, December 12, 2005

It's Time...

It is REALLY time to get out of my head and away from self-reflection to think and write about the world beyond myself. My mere existence is often so routine and somewhat boring, and I withdraw further into myself when I fail to make more of it.

Lately I've been blessed to have friends re-enter my life, post-divorce, and I'm discovering the world anew through contact and interaction and venturing out again with them!! There is much to think about these days besides my small and insignificant woes. Life is good and full and I need not continue the 'pity-party' that has gone on in the recent past. I want to fully engage in the moments that are presented to me through these friendships. I want to treasure and value each one. I want to remember that people mean more than anything else!! In this respect, I am blessed with abundance!! I have people in my life who care. I have myself...with few complaints, really!!

I recently played my very first game ever of chess with a friend over a 'Tall Caramel Macchiato' with a 'Cranberry Bliss Stack' (ha!) in 'Starbucks' after some Christmas shopping in 'Barnes and Noble'. I FINALLY did it...attempted to meet the challenge of that intimidating game of strategy. I did not win, of course; I was, afterall, playing with someone who is 'seasoned'...but I did learn something from him along the way, and I feel I held my own, ha!! (If one can 'hold their own' guided by another..haha!!) And think I will pull out one of the many 'decorative' chess sets that adorn various places in my house...and actually play a game now and then!! I'm bad now!! haha!!

I got a phone call today from a long, lost know, the kind who is always in your heart and soul no matter how much time and distance separates you?! She called to ask if she could call again soon when there is time..she wants to catch up. It's gonna happen, and that is nice...something to look forward to.

My kids, a son and daughter, will be here soon for the holidays. Christmas will be warm with them here. My house will feel like a home again!! I hope to have my daughter teach me to use HTML, ha! Soon my blog may have a new and improved look. That would be spectacular!

The service people who clear driveways of snow could not get their truck up mine on Friday to remove the most recent snowfall and ice. They left salt on it, they say, but nothing happened. I look out and all the neighbors driveways are clear..they are coming and I have the guys trying again to help me out. I am going a bit stir-crazy after too many days inside. I hear them outside now...sounds like they are physically shoveling the ice themselves...must still be too slick for the truck to get up my steep driveway. I am grateful, and I hope they are successful! I have places to go, things to do.

Another friend invited me out tonight....maybe dinner and later a movie? I welcome the break from being shut-in!!

There is always the endless task of decorating. I'm working still on putting away the last of Halloween/Thanksgiving..ugh!!! Yep, folks, I am the one who cannot seem to get it together that weekend after Thanksgiving to be decorated for the next holiday by the first week of December....nope, that would be my 'Martha Stewart' wannabe neighbors!! ALL OF THEM, it seems!!! Sheesh!! I cannot complain that I have nothing to do while snowed in this house!!

My attempts to declutter and reorganize the house, post-divorce, have paid off. I have a ways to go, but I can honestly say, I am comfortable here now. It's comfy and inviting, and that gives a feeling of satisfaction. I'm more secure here than ever before in so many ways, and that is a good feeling.

I could go on and on. Isn't this great?!?! It's about time!!!


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