Sunday, September 07, 2008

Life's Simple Pleasures

There is something magical about weekends even it you are spending them alone. On sunny, cool, clear Sundays like today, I'm prone to want to hop in the car to go for a ride in the country where I can breathe in the aroma of the changes occurring as fall begins to show on the horizon.

I find myself dreaming of places like a rustic log cabin in the Adirondacks but with a dash of 'Ralph Lauren' mixed in (0kay, so I'm not 'really' a country girl). I sense a fireplace crackling and geese calling in the distance as they take flight from the lake for warmer environs. I long to take in the great outdoors as I sit in a large cozy chair with a warm cup of coffee between my hands, my body wrapped in a plaid blanket as I absorb the sprawling beauty surrounding me. I view a canoe docked by the pier and contemplate venturing out onto the water before I depart. I note the strong scent of cedar and am reminded that some things are evergreen. Ahhh...I can feel it now!!

I'm in heaven, and I've not even left my sofa!!

Have an enjoyable weekend!!!


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