Thursday, November 23, 2006


Today, I'm especially grateful for family and friends including each of you here in 'Bloggerville'!!!

My daughter called this morning and decided to cook her first Thanksgiving feast 'on her own'. She took me grocery shopping with her; I accompanied her on the ride home; and we've been hanging out in the kitchen cooking together, ha! I'm pleased that she is carrying on the tradition. We've called 'grandmother' and thanked her for the recipes we all will share today even if it has to be long distance!! We still have lots to be thankful for this holiday!!

My son is spending the day with his girlfriend's family. They were kind enough to invite me, but we'll all be together for Christmas, so everyone is going solo this year for Thanksgiving. Both of my children are with their boyfriend/girlfriend, so I'm pleased for them to celebrate in their own spaces!! We're altogether in our hearts!!

I've cooked the traditional feast myself, and I have a friend who will share dinner with me this evening. Yummm!! Nothing like turkey and dressing, huh?!

I hope that each of you will have the best celebration ever today and that you are spending the day with someone you love!!

ENJOY!! Hugs!!!

(I'll share photos later of our feast!!!) :))


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