Wednesday, October 25, 2006

A little whine....

...goes a long way with me. It is usually followed by lots of pondering about the waste of time and energy spent by doing so. I will beat myself up for the negative attitude that couples with whining, and think about the ways I could have made the situation a positive. I'll get upset that I have not represented myself in the best possible light, because I generally don't like the way I feel about myself when I let a situation defeat me emotionally and psychologically. I know I would be happier if I could just learn to skip the whining. My therapist says I fret ( a nicer name for whining?!), a learned behavior, and then I get on with whatever it is that needs to be done. Thus, the ideal situation would be to skip the fretting/whining and just get on with life.

Well, I did not skip the fretting, as you can plainly see from previous posts, but I have decided to make 'lemonade' this week in the aftermath. I've been busy uncluttering my life, literally!

My relatively new car, with very few miles, broke down once again last week (it had to be towed this time), and I won't begin to whine/fret about that, except to say that the dealership was out of loaner cars, and sent over a rental vehicle....a truck, no less. Rather than whine about that, I decided to use it to my advantage.

First of all, I helped a friend move from a house to an apartment. We loaded everything onto that truck that two women (with a baby and a ten year old in tow) could possibly move on our/their? own. As a result, I realized the energy available for myself when there was a cause, so I decided to unclutter my own life in the process, and see the truck as a godsend at the same time!!

Last night I filled the bed of the truck, as well as the extend-cab seating, not once, but twice, to move things out of my home that are serving no real purpose in my life at this time. Fortunately (and I mean this...I am fortunate on this count...I will have another house set-up for all kinds of for use as rental property (furnished, no less), or as a guest house, or a getaway for myself, as a place to store and work on unfinished projects that have been laying around, or as a studio for my photography and watercolor projects), I have a place to move these things, and eventually (and yes, I have a deadline), I will throw away what is not worth keeping and host a yard sale for the rest (extra cash will be a nice reward, don't you think?!).

My goal is to have everything moved out by Thanksgiving, and some things must be moved by Halloween. I look forward to having everything in order for the holidays, especially Christmas, since last year was a bit of a disaster. With most of my shopping complete already (including the wrapping), I am well on my way to success!!

So, see...I can accomplish great things when I set my mind to it. I can channel the energy that was wasted by whining into something productive. I'm happier, though tired (in a good way...amazing what a good nights sleep this provides), and fulfilled in ways that whining just cannot provide. I feel better already!!

Time to get rolling!!! Later!!

(*Note to self* before and more to come!!) :))


Blogger Greybeard said...

Lots of stress there....
Glad you made it through it.

Aren't trucks wonderful? Sometimes ya just have to have one.
Today you don't have to suffer much to own one....
four doors, comfortable seating for five, and a bed to throw all your stuff into. If you replace this vehicle that is causing you so much trouble, take a look at one!

8:27 PM  
Blogger Di said...

Ha!! With all the hauling I do, that could be a great idea. Funny, though, when I returned the truck to the dealership, the salesman who took the keys said he did not think I looked like a 'truck woman'....ha?!?! What does one look like?!

Then yesterday the owner of a small restaurant I frequent asked me if I was an artist...again...I wondered...what does an artist look like?! I asked, but didn't really get a suitable reply. Interesting, other's perceptions of us...'could be fodder for another blog, huh!?!

I'm truly working on ridding myself of stress....I'm on my way...seriously...I'm dealing with years of accumulation...a task feels good to attack it!! It felt really good to have the clutter out of the way for the holidays...I've truly accomplished a lot.

We'll see about the vehicle. It served its purpose...I'm happy!! :))

2:40 PM  

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