Sunday, October 22, 2006

Tis the season, again!!

Well, almost!! But with Christmas just around the corner, I thought it might be a good idea to share the comments I left on a fellow-blogger's post. She was pondering gifts she may like to receive for her birthday, and asked for suggestions. The response I offered left me thinking about my Christmas list. Believe it or not, I'm well on my way to being finished with it this year (a first, including the wrapping), and it's nice to think I may actually find time to relax and enjoy the holidays this season without having so much to do at the last minute.

Before attaching the comment I left for my friend, I will share that for Christmas this year, I chose a theme (also a first) for my kids gift purchases, and it made the shopping easier. I would share the theme, but it would give away too much, and I like to think they do read my blog now and then.

The idea came, however, from being in their homes and noticing things they mentioned they wished they owned or that they needed to purchase, practical things one may not always take the time to obtain or pay the money to purchase. I also filed this notion away after having conversations with different friends about hosting a party/gift exchange to share practical gifts that one needs but, as with my kids, may not take the time to purchase for yourself, items like bath towels or kitchen drying towels, or a wine rack, or glasses, etc. So a theme could be kitchen or bath items. You get the idea? I'm sure men could come up with a list of items they feel need to be replaced as well.

Okay, so this may not seem very personal, but the idea of having some nice things to replace the time-worn ones that you are not likely to replace know, those things on a list that you never get around to completing for a satisfactory idea to me. It's even nicer to have a friend do this for you, and the memory of that person remains with the item when used. I've strayed from the theme gift list a bit with my kids and added some personal items for each, but building around the theme has been exciting, and still very personal, as I have added things that can be found here at home that we all relied on, but favorites that the kids don't own themselves.

The post/comment below will give you an idea of what I mean when you read about my two favorite practical gifts, but another example would be a gift that my mom's best friend gave me years ago. It's a rectangular, stainless steel, baking pan with a lid that slides over the top. It's great for all kinds of dishes to be baked in the oven. The friend, Lavonne Smith, is no longer with us, but her gift will be with me forever, and you can bet I think of her fondly every time I use it, which is often.

I hope you understand the sentiment behind this post. Practical is not always fact, something that becomes necessary to everyday life seems very thoughtful to me. So put your thinking caps on and come up with your own themes and have fun doing it!!!!!

Happy Holidays folks!!

Oh..haha...the comment that started it all:

"For some weird reason, I've wanted a fondue set. I never had one in the 70s when they were so popular. It seems the folks from my generation have brought them back again, and so, I think it's better late than never to have one. It just seems like a novel idea to me!! :))

I often give gift certificates, and people who receive them truly seem to appreciate the idea. For Valentine's I gave cards with certificates to friends and family for Starbucks...the recipients seemed to enjoy a cuppa joe on me! I try to think of something that is pracitcal, yet a bit of a luxury that one may skip unless another shares. Life's simple pleasures always seem best don't they!?!

I recall two gifts I have received that I REALLY use daily. One is a paring knife with a sharpener for the blade end to fit into. A three year old preschool student of mine gave it to me. His mom explained that she knew it was not extravagant nor personal, but practical, and she had no doubt I would really use it...and I have!! It's my favorite knife in the kitchen. I've had it over twenty years now.

The other I received last year. It is a small, square (about the size of a large index card), flat, envelope-sized wallet (?) that I keep in my purse. I place folded cash, all of my receipts, and bandaids, etc. in it for convenience. I can always find these things readily in that, otherwise cluttered, purse of mine.

'Just a few ideas. Hmmm...I may have to add this to MY blog!! Haha...with Christmas around the corner, it's a worthy subject, huh?!

I hope you'll have a great birthday!!!! Enjoy!!"

And again, to all of you....enjoy your holidays and indulge in a shopping theme and have a good time!!!


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