Friday, February 02, 2007

I'm STILL looking for the humor... the jokes my ex used to tell at MY expense. Is this a 'universal' thing (go figure, my ex is Italian too), for philanderers to make a joke of it as they flirt in the presence of their spouse? Sheesh, I guess they just can't miss an opportunity when they see another beautiful woman, so they think, 'Hey, let's downplay the flirtation with a joke'?!? Or better still they decide, 'Let's bring the wife into it (as if she's too stupid to realize what he's doing) and make her the brunt of a joke'!! I say good for her for calling him out!!!!

Hindsight--I would have done the same thing!! I say, too, for those women who 'flirt' back--I think it's time women place themselves in the other woman's/wife's place--it takes 'two to tango', and I'm still appalled at women who have no problem getting involved in another woman's/man's marriage. I've heard all the lame excuses why they do so, but the bottom line is--he is married to another woman!! Is there NO respect for this at all?! Not to mention--self-respect (on BOTH sides)!! I think that is a character trait that has no value these days.

Granted, I'm not one to make a scene, obviously, I stayed in my marriage and suffered lots of this type of humiliation, and as noted in the previous post, I accepted his lies on top of it all. But we truly become victims whenever we discover the truth and remain silent about it. So again, I say good for this woman for claiming her self-worth in whatever manner works for her. He did not mind publicly humiliating her, so it seems 'turnabout IS fair play'!!!!


Blogger Greybeard said...

He married his wife after being "entranced by her charms as she appeared topless during a play in Milan".

Yeah, what a solid foundation on which to base a marriage.
She certainly shouldn't expect this idiot to flirt with other women now!

5:55 PM  

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