Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I'm feeling blue today....

...thanks to the view from my front porch (they don't call them the 'Blue Ridge' for nothing)!! I AM (literally) feeling a bit 'under the weather', but there's no better cure than the view surrounding me. I'm fortunate in this way. Pull up a rocker and join me, won't you?!

While channel-surfing with the TV remote recently, I paused on the latest Barbara Walter's Special about 'Heaven'. Her guests were varied, from celebrities to ordinary people, and some were sharing near-death experiences in an effort to explain why they feel there is a heaven. One said that when she 'died', she entered a peaceful place she would never forget, a place where the sky was a breathtaking shade of blue...so beautiful, she could not describe it in words except to label it 'heaven'. From where I sit, I think maybe there IS such a thing as 'heaven on earth'?!

I remember another 'blue' day from my past....it was the day after my paternal grandmother died. She was diabetic and based on past experience, I am sure she'd indulged herself (her insulin level was extremely high when she died) over the holidays...she did love sweets (possibly she was granted one last opportunity to enjoy?!)!! Actually, she died of a heart attack...the problems began the night before....so my aunt spent the night with her with a promise she'd see a doctor the following day. My grandmother had convinced herself she was just suffering from indigestion (perhaps feeling a little 'guilty' knowing she'd eaten 'forbidden fruit' previously--or possibly that's just what she wanted all to believe), who knew? Still she was restless throughout the night, and I'm told she trekked to the sofa several times (typically) where my aunt was sleeping to make certain she was covered and warm.

My grandmother died the following day on her birthday, January 18, which was also my dad's birthday. As we drove out of town to gather with family in her memory, I recall the sky being an even bolder shade of blue than the one I see today. It seemed so fitting...I'd often seen her wearing such a lovely shade of blue in her wardrobe....the color seemed to 'spell her name' across the skies. I will never forget it for it was such a suitable tribute to her as we traveled for miles and miles to reach our destination. Maybe the 'heavens; DO open up when one is ready to enter. When looking back, I like to remember her that way.

I find myself humming a song from the past.....John Denver's words truly seem accurate today....."Almost heaven, (West) Virginia....Blue Ridge Mountains....."

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Blogger slobber said...

a slice of paradise

9:27 AM  
Blogger Di said...

It IS, A....photos don't really begin to capture the beauty. I wish you could see it up close and personal!! If I have nothing else to feel good about in my day, I have only to look outside my front door!! :))

5:54 AM  
Blogger Northwoods Woman said...


11:37 PM  

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