Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Hidden Letter....

I came downstairs to my office to create a blog that I felt would need to be hidden in my drafts. There were three comments waiting for me from a 'fellow-blogger' that were a godsend. Funny how life works out that way sometime.

I was going to write a letter to a friend outlining the reasons (I see that) he and I have chosen to carry on a 'dysfunctional' relationship. Because I'm feeling a bit more focused today than usual, it was very clear to me this morning. But after reading the comments in my email/blog (basically mirroring back to me that I DO have insight...the ability to see things as they really are, even when they seem to be hidden from me) I realize now, the letter would contain a lot of 'rationalization' and carry a desire on my part to appear 'knowledgeable' other words....'not as stupid as I feel I appear/am behaving'.

It would probably become a letter with more of the 'ranting and raving' I'm so 'good' at, not unlike what was previously displayed in this blog, only with a different name attached. That 'I' know the truth would not provide the complete solution I'm seeking, unless I am ready to take action and bring about the logical change that needs to occur. I can invite the other to participate in creating a satisfying change for both of us, but it's likely that he's comfortable with things as they are....I know I would least I won't get any support there for what I am lacking, because HE is not (lacking). HELLO!!! Been there, huh?! I seem to 'live' there.

My commenter, who by the way, only clicked onto my blog through the link at 'blogspot', did NOT leave any comments until I contacted him after reading HIS blog upon finding it through my good ole 'sitemeter' (see, I told you life has a funny way sometimes of taking us where we need to be and when...(and if anyone followed the opening sentence to this're GOOD!!) )...anyway, he's 'painstakingly' (for many reasons I know this to be true) reading through my entire blog, it seems, and has asked to hear how the 'Christmas Story' ended.

I am now challenged to reread my own posts, so that I can try to follow a logical sequence to provide the proper ending (Yes, 'Virginia' (ha!), there is one, and it unfolded ONLY recently). I DO have this tendency to ramble on and on....oftentimes losing my original train of thought. So, my challenge is to become more focused, more coherent! I'll 'begin' when I provide the 'ending' he asked for.

Meanwhile, the hidden letter can wait! I've got other work to do!!


Blogger slobber said...

wow, lots of espionage going on here! what shall it bring?

9:38 AM  
Blogger Di said...

Well, it brought me to my senses a bit, and gave me the courage to just speak up and ask for what I want. It's a beginning, right?! Not sure, yet, what it will bring. To be continued.....

11:26 AM  
Blogger slobber said...

don't hold back

2:39 PM  
Blogger Di said...

Ha!! 'Inquiring minds' still wanna know, huh?! ;-) In time, I'm sure I may share more.

Are you interested in trading e-mail addys? Some things don't need to be posted, ya know? Hopefully, you know you can trust me by now?!?!! :))

2:44 PM  

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