Saturday, April 01, 2006

Speaking of flyin' creatures....

...I'm actually thinking of obtaining an indoor 'feathered friend'!! I'm not acting impulsively. I saw it about a week ago at the pet shop. I did not go there with the intention of bringing home a pet (Do 'we' ever?). I left without the thought of acquiring a new pet. This is the good news.

But then, the thought of this bird kept entering my mind. 'It was a very calm bird. It's a beautiful bird. It's alive and will keep me company...heck, it will even talk to me (it has a vocabulary of possibly one hundred words). It is intelligent (about as intelligent as a four year old child). It won't have to be trained to go out. It won't have to sit in my lap'....I began to 'reason' (?!?!).

The 'rational' side of such 'reasoning' kicked in, too....'You have 'feathered friends' that require no space inside your house. Their upkeep is minimal...just a bit of food each day. You will have no freedom to come and go. It will require constant care and attention.'

I've talked with a few people who have birds as pets. No one who has them says 'no' to owning one, in fact, they have high praise for them. I've done my reading (I bought a handbook) and surfed the net for information. Nothing grossly negative anywhere.

The pet shop is compiling a price list for me of all the necessary accessories and supplies the bird will need, along with the prices for upkeep, and for the bird itself, of course. Maybe this 'reality' will give new perspective.

Maybe I'll go visit it today. Perhaps I can take a pic to share....and tomorrow?! Who knows....I will be 'birdless'.....or....NOT?!

(Its an African Grey Parrot, btw!! Any input for me out there in 'blogworld'?! Comments welcomed on this one!!!)


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