Friday, May 06, 2011

'I Got Here As Fast As I Could'

So I borrowed this line from the TV series 'How I Met Your Mother'. I never intended this blog to center around my marriage/divorce, yet how could I avoid it? I was married a long time (26 years), and then divorced the year I began this blog -- which I cannot believe will be six years on June 30. So, like it or not, much of what I've had to say was tainted by my feelings as a divorced woman!

In the beginning, after grasping the reality that my marriage would end, I still believed I could move on and eventually find 'true love' -- something better than I'd experienced before. For about seven years, I isolated and dealt with my separation/divorce. I didn't go out much, and certainly not with men. That is how I needed to deal with the matter, and in the process, I accepted that I was not equipped to offer anything to a new relationship. It was no coincidence that none really came my way, and it was fortunate, too!

After a time, though, I had many life experiences that led me to feel I no longer needed to allow life to pass me by, so I began to travel. I met new people and reconnected with many from my past. I spent time with friends and family alike. I was ready, and I haven't stopped moving yet! I've found a few opportunities for 'love', or at least relationships, and am content to explore those. Which leads me to the aforementioned TV episode. I loved the messaged it conveyed and decided to use it to jump start my blog. Hopefully, NOW, I can move beyond seeing myself as 'once-married-now-divorced' as the sum total of 'who I am'!! :))

In the episode there was a running 'dialogue' about women who avoided receiving speeding tickets because they were pretty females confronted by male cops. The guys in the series were looking for ways to avoid paying such penalties, as well. One of the female characters admitted avoiding a ticket when the cop approached her saying he'd been 'waiting for her all day'. When she told him she was 'getting there as fast as she could', he let her go. The guy she relayed this scenario to doubted its authenticity, and she admitted it was, in fact, contrived in order to make a point with him about why they had not managed a personal 'love connection' together (aside from the fact that she loved another, in this case, her husband from whom she was separated).

To be continued....

(This was hidden in my drafts from a number of days needs to be rewritten, but my writing was interrupted by a phone call, so I didn't complete it. I would share it differently today, but what the it is...I'll work on it later! I just want to be present.)


Blogger -blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Grrr. Git some followers, girly.

5:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously, few are interested in what I have to say, Dr. K_K_f!!! Di ;p

8:40 PM  

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