'How our words are understood doesn't depend just on how we express our ideas. It also depends on how someone receives what we're saying. I think the most important part about communicating is the listening 'we' do beforehand. When we can truly respect what someone brings to what we're offering, it makes the communication all the more meaningful.' (FR)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Two Thumbs Up for this Family!!!
In an age where greed abounds, especially in Hollywood a lot of the time, it is refreshing to see that there still exists a sense of fairness among members of a family, in this case, the Ledger family. What an inspiration that this family put themselves aside to support young Matilda, the rightful heir to her father's fortune. This was a lot of money and they could have easily justified claiming some of it for themselves -- it was even willed to them. Reading this article brought a tear to my eye and restores my faith in mankind. It is heartwarming to see a family make a decision to do the 'right' thing. Clearly they must be grieving the loss of their beloved son and brother, but in the midst of their own personal challenges, they chose to place his daughter before themselves with the greatest gift one could share -- the gift of love that provides a sense of value far beyond the almighty dollar mark!
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