Saturday, January 14, 2006


Cute lil play on words, don't ya think?! That is how I feel today, and on lots of days of my life, really. What's new?! I've had people tell me they noticed the word 'Welcome' imprinted on my forehead..hello!

Why do I continue to make myself available for 'use'?! What am I afraid I'll lose if I don't allow it? (Don't get me wrong, it's typically a 'two-way street'...(Ha!! Is that term followed by 'desire'?! Hmmm!!))

In the past few days, I felt I had a few decent blogs tossing around in my head....part of the time I did not have access to my computer...another time I was enroute to a nearby town, and did not find the time to blog....Actually, the first was going to be entered on Wednesday, after I delivered and waited for another to meet an appointment...I was late picking him up, so he did not make his appointment (Sigh!! My bad!!), and even though I took my laptop, I did not get to blog since I was not waiting anywhere.....(ya, it IS a bit confusing....sort of like my life sometimes...)

That particular blog was going to be about a convo we'd had the previous evening concerning his response to my desire to know 'what was 'wrong' with me' (ya, loaded question, I know...)...and was told that I lacked 'foresight' and was a 'spend-thrift'....(Mind you, I was not upset about this....afterall, I asked for it...)

Later I was contemplating feelings of not being where I wish to be nor feeling the way I'd prefer to feel at this time in my life, and about the fact that many bloggers do not seem to be part of 'the norm', including myself...Prior to that I believe I was going to write about 'trust' (again in reference to the comments shared by my friend...about how a 'real friend' will tell you the 'truth'...etc.,)...but you know...many of these blogs require being 'in the moment' and writing from there....I suppose those particular moments have passed....

But this is not what I began writing about.....

However, I realize....I'm NOT in the mood to blog just now (perhaps THIS is the 'real' reason I have not blogged) think I will go and read a book I began.....grrrrr!!!!!!

I'm bored and restless......and sleepy too....hmm..maybe I should take a nap....I think I will......


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