Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Based on two separate influences in my life, I purchased books last evening by Jung and Freud. Jung is of interest to me because I am consciously aware of the 'synchronicity' in my life...it happens so often and in such undeniable ways, that many of my friends joke about it when in my presence....they 'look' for it now when they are with me. Heck, it happened yesterday over lunch with one of the 'influences' present.

I read a line once that I use to explain it...(though I use it 'loosely').....Someone said that 'Prayer is our way of talking to 'God', and synchronicity is 'his' way of speaking to us.' I took it to mean that the 'powers that be' (even if that is just 'my unconscious mind') are pointing to a moment, an event, something going on in my life that needs attention....reminding me to slow down and take in the moment...figure out what needs to happen next....or what I need to clearly 'see' in that particular moment.....I'm not sure why these things occur...really...It appears Jung's theory is inconclusive as well...he just seems to point out the obvious...there are some things that happen to some people that cannot be written off as 'chance'...they are 'improbable'....Like Jung, I am not certain why they happen...HOW they happen, nor what they mean in the grand scheme of things.....I do find it fascinating to this day, that I notice how often they occur with me. I feel somewhat 'priviledged' to be aware....I'm not sure why?!

Anyway....I'm in the 'skimming stage' with these new textbooks...There were so many to choose from at the 'B&N Bookstore'...the shelves were full.....but I chose about three to four volumes of each author. We'll see how it goes.....if I will actually read one cover-to-cover....So far with Jung, I've covered only a section on synchronicity, as stated, and I've read a bit about his concept of the 'Two Kinds of Thinking'....and this was my personal conclusion based on just a couple of paragraphs....

I know that 'my' words do not always accurately reflect my 'thoughts'....I sit to write out a thought or feeling I have....just to realize so much is 'lost in the translation'...(ha!! yep...someone already produced THAT movie.....(I wonder if THEY followed Jung's concepts for the making of the movie?!) ) Anyway...while writing is therapeutic (*note* to self...look up the spelling of this word....I recently saw it spelled this way, and I realize that I have not included the second e in my spelling of it...), it is also frustrating at times, because what I think cannot always be constructed in writing...my thoughts seem to be richer than my words to describe them....words seem limited...Oh well....it was 'just a thought'..haha!!! I wanted to make note as I read....'thinking aloud', if you will....

I also wonder, that since I have not read any books on psychology/philosophy (per se') really, how many of my thoughts are still influenced by those who ARE well-read and have shared information based on these theories?!? Sometimes I read this 'stuff' and think...'Duh...hello....this is not so difficult to comprehend...I did not need a 'psychologist/philosopher' to explain this to me'....Soooo, the question is...Am I naive to think I arrived at my own conclusions without the influence of these 'great' minds?! Probably so...there is no way that I am NOT influenced since God knows who has shared thoughts and insights with me and what their sources were....etc...I have not 'lived in a void'....I have been influenced....most likely indirectly by even these two men.....so there....I suppose it does not matter....I will just read and learn and still continue to draw my own conclusions...and perhaps redefine or better define my own feelings and contemplations.....

Ok....back to my reading...this could take considerable time....

(*Note* to self....scan the covers of your books to share...maybe even links to the insights of these men....Sheesh...that takes time...so it will have to wait...for now...just leave your thoughts....)

***Mission accomplished with the aid of my new digital camera, Christmas gift from my son!! :))


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