Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Healing (Or...I Still Believe in Miracles!)

When I was pregnant with my first child (son), my mother discovered she had a brain tumor. It was a meningioma--a slow-growing, Ping- Pong ball sized tumor which she'd probably had all of her life--on the surface of her brain in the area of her forehead. The 'good news' was the tumor was benign.

At that particular time in my life I was under the impression that whenever one discovered a health issue it could be 'fixed', and then you were 'good as new'--the same as you were before. I believed in miracles, and I felt medicine could provide them sometimes. I still believe this, but with more clarity than I had in those days.

From her experience I learned a valuable life lesson: the healing process is slow and while you may be fortunate enough to survive, you are never the same.


Blogger Greybeard said...

"Never the same".
So true... and thank God for it!
We are all a totality of everything that happens to us... those things that happen to us personally, and things we read/see/hear have happened to others. Thank God we learn from those things and can change because of those experiences. We all know some folks that don't seem to learn from life experiences... their lives always seem to be on the verge of chaos!

I know there is a great deal of stress in your life right now, your parents health issues only being a part of that. Make your way safely to Tennessee/Mississippi, and let us know what is happening with you, gal.

12:10 PM  

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