Sunday, July 02, 2006

Victory Stadium (circa 2005)

So, I rummaged through my archived photo files and found these photos to share with you for a glimpse of the 'glory days' at Victory Stadium. As you will observe, I'm always the one with the camera, ha (hence, the absence of myself in any photos). These were taken July 4, 2005.

They all came out....from the elderly.... the young....

....and all ages in between...

It was a great time for all.....





Blogger Greybeard said...

It really is confusing, isn't it?
How old does a structure need to be before we, as a society, begin to treasure it?
Wrigley field in Chicago made the cut.......there is no way they will ever tear that place down, even though it won't hold all the people that want to watch a ball game there.

They just rebuilt our stadium last year...... Tore down a structure that would hold more people than the stadium they built to replace it, but the new facility has more skyboxes, and therefore will earn more money overall.
The old facility was a wonderful place to watch a ballgame. It was 40 years old, still in great shape, and had actually become a recognizable icon for the city. Now it's gone......the structure that replaces it is, to me, less in almost every way.

Oh well,
that's one of those battles we were powerless to influence from the start, right?

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pictures. I love the fourth, I thank our troops everyday, Cat

7:10 PM  
Blogger slobber said...

hey Di!

what was victory stadium built for? a local college? high school? just curious about the history.

12:20 PM  

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