Friday, May 19, 2006

An observation....

Crows arrive in pairs to feed on my deck. Sometimes there is a single pair, other times the original pair brings company. Now and then there is a 'fifth wheel' (likely a 'juvenile' taking advantage of the find), but they don't seem to mind, as long as there is enough food for all. When there is not, the first pair feeds alone, the others do not intrude; if there is less, the dominate male, 'Tapper' (I've learned from my research), will feed by himself.

I've not observed any bickering among them, unless a squirrel gets there first and stays too long. Even then, the squabble breaks out over the squirrel, and they team up to chase it away. While it has been reported that some pairs or flocks will attack and devour a squirrel, the crows on my deck appear to be content with the squirrels, as long as there is equal feeding time involved.

There is selective bonding (I read they take lots of time choosing) with crows. Partnerships are formed. Teamwork is employed. The pairs appear to be happier, more satisfied when together as a team. Once joined together, they seldom separate. When fate forces them to lose a partner, they are not the same. Their behavior changes drastically. They grieve and mourn for a long period of time, before they recover from the loss.

Crows are known to be among the most intelligent birds in the world. I'm truly beginning to believe, moreso than many of the human species. Some days, I wish I was a crow!!


Blogger Greybeard said...

Very interesting Di.
You sparked an interest for more study on my part. Canada Geese have similar mating habits, I believe.

And, talk about a Metaphor......!!

11:06 AM  
Blogger Di said...

Well, GB, truthfully, I was observing the pair outside my kitchen window when the thoughts came to me, and I decided I'd better do a bit of reading before I post something that is not accurate. I'm certain there is conflicting info everywhere about this, but I read from the book posted somewhere further down in my blog, to validate some of my observations. I do find it to be interesting stuff!! Even moreso to watch!! :))

Thanks for your comment....I'm glad you noticed (the metaphor, that is)!!! ;-)

11:18 AM  

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