Saturday, February 11, 2006

I'm NOT 'too old..... learn something new'. Just this week I learned that 'Silent Bob' in the movie, 'Clerks', is Kevin Smith, also the writer, director, and producer? If I knew this before, I forgot....ha..okay...THERE'S the sign of 'aging'....'input overload'. I watched the movie years ago when it debuted...perhaps those details eluded me then.....maybe I just wasn't as interested, who remembers?! Ha!! Anyway, learning this detail made the movie more endearing, especially in hindsight. Who knew then, it would become such a 'cult classic'?! High fives for 'Bob' AND Kevin!! (Okay, I AM showing my age....anyone who knew anything back then knew ALL of this original 'point' is made, am I wrong?!) :))

Why was I watching 'Clerks', you may ask?! I have a friend whom my son met recently, and after spending some time with him, declared him to be 'like Silent Bob' (yes, he is extremely quiet at times). Now my friend had never seen the movie, can you imagine (!?!), so I felt it was time he met his 'twin' (hey..they really kind of look alike....okay...they BOTH have long dark hair..oh....and they are relatively both 'silent'). So we went out and bought 'Clerks' and the related movies that followed...well, except we have not found 'Chasing Amy' nor 'Jay and Silent Bob' yet, and I passed on 'Jersey Girl', though now I think I will purchase it too, just to continue to promote Kevin's work. My son, also a film maker himself in Austin (whom by the way just set up a hilarious gig...another 'blast from the past', if you will), suggests I purchase 'An Evening With Kevin Smith' which gives details to the making of the movies. I look forward to obtaining it for viewing.

So, on another note, kind's snowing outside today, and the landscape is covered with an enchanting display of white (yes, I'm one of those people who appreciates being snowed in now and then....I'm from the 'Deep South', so, unlike some of the natives, I enjoy the occasional snowfall). I took pics, but my PCs are both sick and visiting with the DELL techs, so I'm on my old archaic model and not set up for transferring pics, I don't believe....but as soon as I am, I will post a few. The crows will have a difficult time finding their dish this morning, as you will see in the pics. I even have a pic of a new sighting with my feathered friends. (*Note to self*: Post pics of 'Tapper' along with the snow pics at a later date.)

Did I say I'm 'not TOO old'?!?! Ha!! I just 'remembered', in all my rambling, why I mentioned the snow....(how was THAT for a great segue?!?).....which will give me my leave from the computer today (though it's a great day for writing, too, which I had NOT felt like doing for days (except in my private journal))....(Di thumps the side of her head now with the flat of her hand...'Hello'!!?!?!) What a great day to continue the series of Kevin Smith flicks!!!!! :)) THAT is precisely what I will do next (and that WAS the thought, I think?!?)!!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~(After-thought......ya know...I MAY be old, but unlike my 'young friend'....I DID see the series when it first came out!! Hmmm..sometimes....I JUST don't give myself credit!!) ;-)


Blogger slobber said...

yea that movie was all dialogue which made it work despite it's low budget. Mall Rats was good too. Kevin Smith then starts getting bigger budgets and the movies start to get a bit diluted.

He said he got the idea to make a movie after watching Richard Linklatter's "Slacker" which takes place as a series of random conversations from various characters in Austin, TX. He would later go on to make "Before Sunrise", "Dazed and Confused" among others. Slacker is vary interesting, you should watch it sometime and hence the inspiration for "clerks" though they have little in common.

sometimes, you have to watch a movie more than once, so it's good you returned to it.

9:40 AM  
Blogger Di said...

I agree about watching a movie more than once. In the past, my friends would come to me for a critique....if I'd seen a movie 3 times when it came out, they knew it was one to see. There are always things you've missed, and the third time around, you can just enjoy it (provided it was a good movie....but then..that IS why you'd watch 3 times!!)

Back in the day when my kids influenced my choice of movies (ie 'Clerks'), I saw many of the movies you've mentioned. I suppose being a busy mom provided distractions. Oftentimes I'd be the one snoring on the sofa through a movie. As I'd stated before, I don't remember many of the details of some of them. I do remember watching 'Dazed and Confused'; in fact, I think there is a copy floating around here somewhere. I DO have quite a library, and fortunately my 'friend' is willing to watch them with me, which makes viewing more enjoyable. We'll add 'Slacker' and 'Before Sunrise' to the list.

My son is in Austin....someday we are going to be discussing his body of work as well, and you can say you knew his mom!! ;-)

Thanks for noticing my ramblings....keeps one motivated!! :))

1:25 PM  
Blogger slobber said...

Di: For a couple of years my wife and I didn't go to or rent movies as we were more active and hanging out with friends. since the baby came along and some of our freedom left (which is a good thing in this case) we started playing catch-up, if you will. especially me, as she is pregnant again and tired i often get them both to bed and do a good viewing about every weekend now. i've found some real gems along the way. of course there's 'million dollar baby' and other similar successes and they're are good.

but here are some real hidden treasures as of late:

3:26 PM  
Blogger slobber said...

Nobody Knows. a beautiful, non-judgemental, heartbreaking tale of 4 kids abandoned by their mother. it's Japanese and subtitled but still worth it even if you have issues with the sub thing. read the NY times review.

Thumbsucker - funny and endearing coming of age tale. we rented it a couple of weekends ago and you'll like it! (dammit)

before i had children, i wouldn't have been able to look at these films the same way.

3:37 PM  
Blogger Di said...

Can't wait to check these out...a couple I've actually never heard of!! Thanks for sharing!! :)) friend, Ken, is half Japanese...his mom teaches the language, though his use is limited...should interesting for him in that respect.

Have you heard of Akira Kurosawa? My son introduced us to his films, and we've acquired a few. He's a great Japanese filmmaker. He did not get a lot of support in Japan, but filmmakers here have encouraged and promoted him. I am happy to do the same in my small way. Check him out. He did 'Seven Samurai' and more....Our first to watch was 'Ran'....Ken especially liked that one. :))

4:00 PM  
Blogger slobber said...

yes, i've heard of him! and those films and have been planning on watching Ran.

12:16 PM  

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