Friday, March 03, 2006


Of late, I've written several complete blog entries, only to have them lost to the cyberworld. I have three computers--I'm utilizing the oldest one--my ex had it custom built for me--it's rather archaic and very basic--yet it's the one that is functioning. With so many computers available, one would think I could manage to post a blog entry?!

Without going into detail, I will tell you my other two computers were more expensive and were meant to make up for NOT having 'the best' before. Ha!! Over time--actually, early on in my dealing with telephone representatives from the company where I purchased them--I began to refer to the experiences with the makers of my latter two as--'The Nightmare From DELL' (Can I be sued for this?) It's true, I even wrote to 'Mr. Michael' himself in the aftermath of that time and used those very words to describe my frustration with 'his people'. Let's just say that from them I learned the meaning of terms like 'bait and switch' , among other tatics.

Add to those experiences, a load of technical problems--though the live representative who is supposedly helping me through my latest challenges blames 'MSN' for the most recent crisises. It's enough to force one to bring out the old pen and paper--wait--I DID that yesterday when I saw my blogger was not going to post--I got to the last paragragh and the page just disappeared!! We call this 'progress'?!

Anyway--this is why I'VE disappeared!! The tech guy will be here again today to try to salvage my laptop from the grips of a 'worm' that infected it--along with the 'cable guy' (ha!)--as if things were not bad enough, we discovered my modem provided by the cable company was also ancient and ineffective--the cable people ran a check of the records and verified the unbelievable number of times it had shutdown over the past few years actually--which cost me hours of writing time--and a loss of numerous manuscripts--so I will get a new modem too, at last!!

Keep your fingers crossed--I've lost track of whom to blame--I just hope somebody takes some responsibility today and restores my faith!! (Oh...and also my PCs!!) :))


Blogger slobber said...

Yea, I've been having issues going wireless and this is all in the name of progress. I get to the point where I have to stay away from computers for a while just for sanity. progress??!!

11:27 AM  
Blogger Di said...

Once again mine has become a nightmare!! I'm logging in hours with DELL on the phone now...I'll tell you about it and learn!!! Glad you are still out there, I hope to be back soon!! :)) I hope all is well with you!! :))

11:52 AM  

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