Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oscar Night!!

Tonight is Oscar night, and sadly I've not been an avid moviegoer of late --which means I've not seen many of the nominated movies. Recently I saw 'The Reader', however, and remembered why some stories are best represented on the big screen and why I enjoyed going to the theatre so much in the past. After watching some of the reviews of the movies up for awards, I decided to attend another Oscar nominated film (before the presentations) with a friend. Since he'd not seen 'The Reader', I conceded and we saw it again instead of a different movie.

Prior to making our decision, as we were driving to the theatre still trying to choose between 'Slumdog' and 'The Reader', my daughter called, so we invited her input on the movie selection. Because singing is such a major part of her life, at the mention of 'Slumdog' she belted out a song from one of our favorite Bollywood musicals (it's a very long story, maybe for another post)...ha...and as she sang to us over the speaker on the phone, as is typical with her, she came up with an idea for a new video post...mind you, she sometimes has a very twisted sense of humor...which I totally appreciate. We put our creative minds together and decided that she should do a medley of movie soundtracks as a tribute to the upcoming Academy Awards and that she should include this Bollywood song she'd just shared during our drive to the theatre. By the time I was home again, the outcome was posted.

So in recognition of Oscar Night...roll out the RED CARPET...I give you Sarah Jade's tribute to Hollywood AND Bollywood!! It's kind of Bollywood meets Nashvegas!!! Ha!!! Enjoy! :))


Blogger Greybeard said...

You may have read that we saw "Gran Torino" and loved it. Saw "Slumdog" last week and enjoyed that too although I was disappointed, going into it thinking it was a true story, but finding at the end it's based on a novel.
"The Wrestler". I'm a Mickey Rourke fan, and hear we get to see MUCH of Marisa Tomei, which cannot be a bad thing, right?

Sarah's video is wonderful.

11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by GB, my only follower, ha! I do appreciate your faithfulness even when I have nothing much to write about. Also, I was happy for the nudge to get back to visiting fellow bloggers.

I've not seen either of the movies you mentioned, but they are on my list. I'm a bit saddened by the fact that Mickey was not a winner, but I wish him continued success...the same for Clint.

Good to hear from you, as always!! :))

11:41 AM  

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